Archives 2025 (5) Testing new writing tools Shaping or shaped by your environment Reflective practice makes better Serving two mistresses Beyond productivity; seeking effectiveness2024 (35) Making better sense with notes. A review of Jorge Arango’s “Duly Noted” Searching for Simple McGee’s Musings turns 23 Committing to Curiosity Matching Rhythms Nail it before it rots Designing paths of least resistance Starting to understand intellectual capital foundations Reverse engineering my blogging process Part 2 Reverse engineering my blogging process Beginning to think about my writing practice systemically Claiming identity as a writer Good advice, messy systems, and invisible work—evolving from where you are Accepting Limits to Rationality Personal knowledge management is a design problem not a selection task Why solving for pattern makes more sense than connecting the dots for knowledge work Four questions to begin your personal knowledge management practice Choosing innovation perspectives Works for me times 10,000 does not translate to proven strategy Evolving a more effective writing practice Owning your practice Knowledge is personal, manage it that way Learning to navigate the middle Making Knowledge Work Observable What’s wrong with wanting to be productive Pursue effectiveness not productivity Limits to learning from success Does it need to be slow and steady wins the race? When Old Knowledge Gets in the Way of New Learning Fitting tools to brains Doing the work when the work matters Learning how to do what you already know how to do Possibilities for Growth Learning to See Laying Down a New Rhythm2023 (32) You never start with a clean sheet of paper McGee’s Musings turns 22 Let Stories Flow A shaky reminder about ground truth Improving the Odds of Project Success: Review of “How Big Things Get Done” Case Research of Knowledge Work Practice Learning to do learning by doing better Moving from Tools for Thought to Thinking as Craft Do You Need a Second Brain Finding Your Voice and Honoring Your Sources Efficiency ignores obsession Learning to fail Effectiveness depends on community Making Art Happen Looking outward Book Smart and People Stupid Asking better questions Inventing Sails Things you can’t teach Solve the Right Problem Playing a bigger game I’m the problem Managing while creating; deadlines and deliverables Striking a dynamic balance What’s the point of mediocre ideas? Operating from Values Racing ahead to what? Learning to ask better questions Struggling with being a cog Distinguishing Maps and Territories Clever trumps diligent Dethroning productivity: becoming more effective2022 (25) Running the numbers on the journey to insight McGee’s Musings turns 21 Becoming a More Reflective Practitioner Choosing to Learn New Tricks Scope the Problem First Don’t Forget to Play: Solving for Pattern as an Infinite Game Learning To Solve For Pattern Stop Trying to Connect the Dots Forcing Functions To Understand Complex Work Honor the Work Solving for pattern starts from designing with heart Effective Knowledge Work Environments Start From Design Follow the Markers to the Patterns Learning to Make Your Own Sausage Deciding where you want to play Making expert sense of the facts at hand Developing a Sense for your Limits Chasing greater effectiveness The future grows out of the past Grant Yourself Permission Have I seen this before I’ve seen this story before Learning to see the magic You are always part of the system Exploring how to better solve for pattern2021 (39) Personal knowledge management and body of work Review: Brief History of a Perfect Future McGee’s Musings turns 20 today There is no physics of human systems Increasing Knowledge Work Discipline Whining or Learning Habitual Struggles Don’t ask what is best PKM Isn’t About Apps Putting Personal Knowledge Management in Context Rebalancing Planning and Doing: Seeking Knowledge Work Effectiveness Planning to be Creative The Promise of the Middle: Improving Knowledge Work Practices Aspiring to Knowledge Work Professionalism Muddling through as smart strategy Buying Time Start with a Bare Stage not a Blank Page Simple Questions that aren’t so Simple Making Room for Change Sleep Deprivation is a Bad Management Strategy Sharing a Pint Where’s the Locus of Control? Beneath the Magic Make Your Own Space Taking the Stage Start at the Beginning Instigating Questions Planning and Doing Remember When or What’s Next – Choosing a Perspective Who’s in Charge Here? A Place for Thinking Environment and Effective Knowledge Work Taking Credit and Responsibility for Knowledge Work Learning to Forget Make Yourself at Home Out of place: finding a place to stand Lost in place: how knowledge work splits mental space from physical space Managing in a knowledge economy Struggling to Improve Knowledge Work Practices–From Idea to Finished Product2020 (53) From Taking Notes to Making Notes If you do knowledge work, you need to become a ‘pracademic’ The futile quest for the one true tool Idea Management as an Abundance Problem Leading from the bench: Abby Wambach insights on leadership McGee’s Musings turns 19 today Identifying Knowledge Work Practices Building A Bespoke Knowledge Work Environment with Off-the-Rack Tools Embrace the mess if you want to do better knowledge work Choosing to say yes inside the organizational hairball Building knowledge work toolsets Review – Intertwingled: Information Changes Everything Competitive strategy and market failures Learning to See-Improving Knowledge Work Capabilities Working in the boundaries – making the pieces fit together Getting Outside Your Head – Managing the Mess Getting Outside Your Head Task Zero – Well Begun is Half Done School as a Place to Learn Knowledge Work Practices Preaching and Practicing Better Knowledge Work Habits Deliverables and the downside of working backwards Learning to plan Getting a better handle on knowledge stuff Scoping the knowledge work data layer Thinking about the data layer of knowledge work Managing yourself as a knowledge worker – building guardrails We are all executives in a knowledge economy Picking an organizational stack Tackling technology complexity with stacks Turtles all the way done: hijacking stories to your own ends You can’t win. Play anyway It’s all a product of design Ritual by design Not knowing is an ok place to start Figuring out who to listen to From Business Case to Enlistment Pitch Finding a Guiding Principle No one is the villain in their own story A big story is just a collection of little stories Tech Rehearsal and Organizational Change Don’t Walk: Applying the Rules in a Volatile Environment Things are the way they are because they got that way Living the stories of astounding futures Learning in a tool saturated world Just because it’s cliched doesn’t make it bad advice Questions with power Looking for the machinery behind the magic Keep it simple is still an excellent strategy From old expertise to new expertise Refuse to choose sides Crossing the between: building more human organization in a digital world Knowledge work and stable intermediate structures What will the new year bring?2019 (43) Building systems intuitions Insight on Project Planning and Management: Review of Start Finishing Design and Craft McGee’s Musings turns 18; still curious, still exploring What’s the value of proven systems in a roll your own world? Systems thinking and Improvement Matching tool to task: mindmaps and project design Balancing short and long term thinking in knowledge work The 80 IQ point move: knowledge work as craft Developing Design Perspective Knowledge work effectiveness not efficiency Leading self-managed experts Design Insight Continued Mine experience for design insight Keeping not knowing in mind Serving my time – learning to teach Managing in a magical world Bring back working papers Effective knowledge work is improv We always start in the middle Note Taking–by hand or by keyboard? Showing your work– intermediate knowledge work artifacts Twyla Tharp on the Practice of Collaboration Seeing Better Review – Alan Alda on Communications and Improv Stealing practice time from performance Taking the half-life of knowledge seriously Learning to solve for pattern Unexpected Aha Moments – Review – How to Take Smart Notes Connecting the dots encourages bad thinking Managing personal learning in a VUCA world Review: Tim Wu’s The Curse of Bigness Strategic Improv Learning to sail Dealing with the messy middle; accepting the wisdom of improv Learning the obvious The Magic of Theatre Perspective Managing credit and rewards Expert learning Learning, bodies of knowledge, and half-lives Temporary technology limits shouldn’t become design patterns Project management, rocket science, and donuts2018 (60) Review – Dare to Lead by Brene Brown You can’t separate learning and doing What problem are we trying to solve? Review – Measure What Matters Process and Ritual Quest for the organizing thought The Persistent Myth of Five Year Plans Questions about questions Dangerous magic–casting technology spells without understanding Understanding and explaining the magic Building tiny bridges Learning and knowledge management in start up mode McGee’s Musings turns 17 Review: Planning for Everything: The Design of Paths and Goals Managerial alternatives to leaving smart people alone Creating your knowledge workshop Building a body of knowledge work Review-Managing the Unexpected. Karl Weick and Kathleen Sutcliffe Fuzzy organizational boundaries; accepting complexity Review: Making Work Visible Can you make a mistake around here Getting better at the craft of knowledge work Review: Filters Against Folly A closer look at integration across organizations: thinking about coupling Crumbling pyramids; knowledge work, leverage, and technology Data, insight, action; missing models Keep Moving, Stay in Touch, Head for Higher Ground Data plus models produce insight: a review of “Factfulness” Communications Divides Within the Organization; Look to Homer A Swiss Army Knife for Project Management Trust, Verify, and Triangulate Chaos players: knowledge work as performance art Going behind the screen: mental models and more effective software leverage Design projects before worrying about managing them Review – Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time Learning from cases; getting smarter by design The Siren Call of Proven Systems Searching for the secret class Effective Executives Are Design Thinkers Don’t connect the dots; solve for pattern The limits on connecting the dots March for Our Lives as a pop-up organization Practical Action, Volatile World Review – Sound advice on managing collaboration in teams Goals and journeys Learning is harder in the digital world The danger of easy paths There’s always a bigger picture Learning to think for innovation Sweating details Bridging the techie divide Building two bridges between technology and practice High velocity conversations and communications breakdowns Culture is marked and shared in the middle Leading from the middle by getting out of the way Slowing down to navigate fuzzy boundaries Preparing to be bold in the moment Reflections on reflection From systems building to systems thinking Exploring the messy middle2017 (14) Review: WTF-What’s the Future? Strategy and organizational design in a crowded ecosystem McGee’s Musings in now old enough to drive Smart people doing smarter work Free and cheap technology is killing organizational effectiveness Repeatable Processes and Magic Boxes Project management for the rest of us Staying in the question – shifting from problem identification to framing Review – Only Humans Need Apply Lowering the costs of context switching Technology in the Classroom The costs of context switching Review – The Art of Procrastination: A Guide to Effective Dawdling, Lollygagging and Postponing Making knowledge work visible2016 (6) Knowledge management matters more to you than to your organization Roots of Project Management Entropy and knowledge management Carve out time and space for deep thinking What’s in a name? Unexpected demands on 21st century knowledge workers Paths to more effective knowledge work2015 (6) Practice and Performance DIY Learning Advice from Jay Cross Insights Into Innovation: Peter Thiel’s “Zero to One” Two spaces or one; change and persistence The importance of forgetting to creativity and innovation Problem-finding on the Path from Invention to Adoption2014 (12) Saving Lives with Systems Thinking – Atul Gawande and the 2014 Reith Lectures xkcd on Efficiency Thirteen years David Reed on What The Internet Is, and Should Continue To Be – #ccourses Why I Teach – Learning to Think Like the Web – #ccourses Knowledge is a sobering thing Connected Courses Course – An Experiment in Collaboration – #CCourses Using Moore’s Law in Reverse: Alan Kay on Invention vs. Innovation Book Review – Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration Learning to see systems – wolves and rivers Interested in being part of a unique problem solving team? How to read and understand a scientific paper: a guide for non-scientists « Violent metaphors2013 (4) Never let “being realistic” get in the way of real problem solving Twelve years at McGee’s Musings Wise advice—hard practice. Do the work—share it. Poking effectively on complex systems2012 (11) Eleven Years and Counting at McGee’s Musings KM Chicago: Collaborating Minds: Solving Tough Problems with a Unique Team Celebrating NASA’s Curiosity C-Level coaching from one of the best Rethinking organizational functions and components in a freelance economy What’s on your must see list of social media for digital immigrants? Adam Savage on the path from simple ideas to discovery When should managers insert themselves into a messy situation Rethinking data and decisions – Big Data’s Impact in the World – Defining Characteristics of Wicked Problems New Year, New Beginnings2011 (18) Congratulations to Euan Semple on the publication of his first book “Organizations Don’t Tweet, People Do” Richard Feynman On The Folly Of Crafting Precise Definitions Ten years at McGee’s Musings Understanding the world around you – more insights from Richard Feynman Enormously moving speech on the way the Internet transforms lives Boing Boing Russell Ackoff on Systems Thinking vs. Continuous Improvement Truth in humor – xkcd on the Chain of Command Interesting infographic on state of the Internet circa 2011 Review: “The New Edge in Knowledge” Euan Semple on nurturing a knowledge ecology Which rules? Teaching or Learning? Collaborating Minds Choosing to be productively stupid Focusing on mission – why asking why is where to start Misconceptions The Joy of Stats available in its entirety Nancy Dixon on – A Model Lessons Learned System – The US Army Summary of 2010 reading – 50 books challenge2010 (56) Happy Holidays Testing BlogPress A Concise and Brilliant Peer-Reviewed Article on Writer’s Block Sugata Mitra on designing systems for learning – TED talk Where IS Health Care Going? Technology Leader’s Presentation Collaboration, games, and the real world Constructive Problem Framing Nine years and counting here at McGee’s Musings Doing and Managing Knowledge Work: TUG2010 Keynote Reflections John Cleese on the creative process How better thinking about deliverables leads to better knowledge work results Are you reading McGee’s Musings via Bloglines? Finding knowledge work practices worth emulating and adapting Bruce Schneier’s insights on tomorrow’s privacy environment Time for the Larry story again An online survey about personal knowledge management "The conference call" The building blocks of story from Ira Glass Review of Bob Sutton’s "Good Boss, Bad Boss" How will the Internet change how we think? Alan Kay on innovation and risk Review: Susan Cramm’s "8 Things We Hate About IT" Review: Clay Shirky and Cognitive Surplus Culture, Process, and Practice – Effective leverage for Enterprise 2.0 Alan Watts Animated, by South Park Creators Fred Brooks on the Design of Design Observable work – more on knowledge work visibility (#owork) What Teachers Make Balancing Uniqueness and Uniformity in Knowledge Work More from Dan Pink on the Science of Motivation and Purpose Managing the visibility of knowledge work Review of Nicholas Carr’s latest book – The Shallows Reflections from the 2010 Enterprise 2.0 conference (#e2conf) Learning from Failure Rethinking thought leadership as an operating principle Can you design business models? A review of "Seizing the White Space." Thought for the day One deeply informed view of IT as a transformational tool The Future of Publishing from DK Checklists for more systematic knowledge work Chromakey and knowledge work The problem of incentives in knowledge work Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us The War of Art Applying End-to-End Design Principles in Social Networks Choosing to draw your own maps: a review of Seth Godin’s Linchpin Does the CIO have a role in successful social media adoption? Hans Rosling at TED India: making time visible Patti Anklam on The Year of Personal Net Work Odds of being a terrorism victim on a flight What evolutionary biology has to tell us about organizational behavior Andrew Sullivan on Blogging Cast a vote and give me a reason to visit Boston in June Jordan Frank on ‘responsibility to collaborate’ – lessons in enterprise 2.0 implementations Leadership and knowledge workers Two explanations for the near collapse of the financial system2009 (59) Merry Christmas to you all Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus Scientist at work: Darwin’s On the Origin of Species Storytelling advice from one of the masters Excellent tips for more productive conference calls New Friends and New Perspectives from KM World 2009 Insight on the back of a business card Smart engineers Good advice from the trenches of public speaking Learning to love the backchannel Socializing and knowledge management Knowledge management: the latest battle between the neats and the scruffies Cory Doctorow’s window into tomorrow’s economy Emergent behavior and unintended consequences in social systems Eight years now at McGee’s Musings On not being surprised by the future Never underestimate the power of a good story One entrepreneurial editor’s heuristics for today’s business environment: Alan Webber’s Rules of Thumb Resources for organizations developing social media policies Asking more relevant questions about focus and multitasking Hacking complex knowledge problems: Van Halen and Brown M&Ms Geek And Poke: Gartner Hype Cycle Version 2.0 Gist – a Farleyfile for the 21st century Chris Anderson on the emerging economics of Free Will organizational leaders accept the evidence about incentives and creative work? Nip it in the bud or wait for the crisis Tech Support Cheat Sheet links for 2009-08-20 Thinking in Systems: A Primer links for 2009-08-11 25 Words on Social Media Wisdom Innovating innovation: An Interview with Scott Anthony of Innosight Constraints and innovation – is there a silver lining? danah boyd on new habits in a connected world links for 2009-07-07 Curiosity and knowing links for 2009-07-04 Asimov on evidence A reader’s guide to Clay Christensen and disruptive innovation Gary Hamel and innovations in management If only the real world were a musical Bridging analytic and managerial cultures, Part 2 Bridging analytic and management cultures, Part 1 Fun with constraints, knowledge, and design Hell explained by a Chemistry Student Competent thinking about big numbers The Joys of Windows Vista Tools for tackling wicked problems: Review of Jeff Conklin’s “Dialogue Mapping” Visualization of US Airways 1549 Work and creativity – Elizabeth Gilbert on nurturing creativity at TED conference More on management and messiness – video interview from FASTforward’09 Management and messiness C-words of knowledge Social media experience at Mayo Clinic Blogwell 2 conference in Chicago – simple works Webinar with Clay Shirky: Preview of FASTforward’09 Welcome to the consulting life Business models for health care: Andy Kessler’s take on the future of medicine Simple competence as an overarching theme for 20092008 (66) Cisco as an emerging Enterprise 2.0 case example UC Berkeley demonstrates its intelligence; awards danah boyd her Ph.D. The best sales video ever Social media lessons from the Obama campaign JP Rangaswami on KM … “Clear, Transparent, Searchable, Archivable, Retrievable” Was being a fast follower ever a viable strategic option? Bloglines claiming post Some links on social media applications within organizations Social Media Strategies Conference – presentation on internal communities Pay it Forward on LinkedIn Technology Leaders Association presentation A workbook on doing disruptive innovation effectively Seven years at McGee’s Musings Dueling philosophies: social media vs. knowledge management Why do we continue to tolerate DRM? Speaking at the Social Media Strategies conference at the end of October Tracing links to insight links for 2008-10-01 links for 2008-09-24 Neologism of the Day: Qualifiction links for 2008-09-17 links for 2008-09-16 Learning from the failures of others; billion-dollar lessons for next to nothing Knowledge work and micro-processes Shining Eyes: Benjamin Zander on leadership Thought for the day Updating ‘be prepared’ for the 21st Century Michael Wesch’s anthropological introduction to YouTube Review of Tom Davenport’s "Competing on Analytics" About McGee’s Musings Christopher Alexander’s take on the essence of expertise Attitude, hypothesis, experiment, and evidence Grounded advice on making better use of your brain Useful models of systems change Online Book Study Group Formed for Your Inner CEO Scary thoughts on one all-too-possible near future Sketching your way to insights Some inspiration on failure Congratulations to Jack Vinson Technology for us – the heart of Enterprise 2.0? Cognitive surplus and organizational slack What is an Oreo? David Maister on getting from strategy to execution George Carlin as strategy consultant? Email vs. Wiki: Picture = 1000 words department Designing with “harmless failures” in mind Rockwells Retro Encabulator Designing with failure in mind Ray Sims is collecting definitions of knowledge management Another great TED talk to watch – Jill Bolte Taylor’s Stroke of Insight Video: Twitter in Plain English Dealing with social in the enterprise New blog on IT organization issues Thinkers you should know – danah boyd Allan Cox on finding your singularity ooVoo review courtesy of Scott Hanselman A new thinker to become acquainted with and an invitation for next week Quick mindmapping survey from Chuck Frey Prusak on Knowledge, Community, and Dunbar’s Number Zen and the scientific method Yes We Can When does technology stop being technology? Free Physics Textbook: Motion Mountain The Data So Far The To-and-Fro over 2.0: It's Rematch Time! Andrew McAfee and Tom Davenport webinar on viability of Enterprise 2.02007 (90) Happy Holidays and a Prosperous 2008 A dozen papers you should read in the world of Enterprise 2.0 Sad News about Marc Orchant A new voice in the blogging firmament – Abbie Lundberg of CIO Knowledge management and innovation One Laptop Per Child: donation period from now through Nov 26th Six years at McGee s Musings Gibson’s “Spook Country” PopTech 2007 in Maine and on the Web Conversion Central: 101 tools to convert video, music, images and PDFs The problem of emergence Intelligent Image Resizing Pushing for simpler knowledge management Quechup is rotten: don’t accept invites True Names Daemon The Halo Effect Beloit releases its annual mindset list for entering college students More on knowledge management as learning support Knowledge management = creating environments for learning It’s not about creativity, it’s about curiosity Learning to balance theory and evidence Going hands on to get your arms around Enterprise 2.0 More insights from Hans Rosling at TED 2007 Knowledge management: the newest battle between the neats and the scruffies David Weinberger’s latest thoughts on our digital world Visualizing air traffic patterns Video: Wikis in Plain English from Lee LeFever MindManager 7 is now available from MindJet Andrew Hinton on Architectures for Conversation Solving puzzles or framing mysteries. Dealing with wicked problems Better thinking about performance improvement Congratulations to Jack Vinson on four years of blogging Mindjet Recommends Mind Mapping Blogs and Resources Making online forums work A lazy web request about Apache rewrite rules Charles Stross on some possible futures On the limits of intellectual property – Spider Robinson’s ‘Melancholy Elephants’ Web Design Tool: Denim Site Sketching The Enterprise 2.0 RAVE goes virtual! Market survey effort on Enterprise 2.0 readiness Developing an eye and ear for Web 2.0 phenomena Blogrolls matter – do you want one here? US laws about blogging Congratulations to Bill Ives on his third blogiversary Mindjet announces MindManager 7 Enterprise 2.0 RAVE in New York Warren Bennis on Great Groups Everything is Miscellaneous from David Weinberger Video: RSS in Plain English The ultimate tool-kit PowerPoint humor (intentional) Using Mindmaps as Presentation Tools Ready for an Enterprise 2.0 Rave? 23 Learning 2.0 Things Jim McKenney dies at 77 Web 2.0 Mindmap from Ed Yourdon Transitions Eric Mack webinar on using MindManager as a Knowledge Management Tool The Mantra of Entrenched Industries Dick Costolo blogging on technology ventures Research on business collaboration from IBM Euan Semple on strategies for implementing Enterprise 2.0 Literate thinking as a barrier to Enterprise 2.0 adoption Flight tracking with Flightstats Learning how to make wikis work effectively Galbraith and the Economics of Innocent Fraud Alan Kay on learning and technology Jack Vinson’s plans to blog with his knowledge management class Interview with Michael Wesch on his Web 2.0 video Web 2.0 video: The Machine is Us/ing Us Auditors and Enterprise 2.0 technologies Starting to unpack the promises of Enterprise 2.0 Thinking about the larger context Business Problems and Root Causes A nice substitute for plant tours Indexed – a daily regimen to prevent dumbth Strategic sensemaking and Enterprise 2.0 technologies A few quotes to ponder Chuck Frey’s latest mind mapping research project Tips for gaining adoption of Enterprise 2.0 technologies Sensemaking practices Tony Buzan’s advice on how to create mindmaps The Procrastinator’s Clock – User-centered design at its best Can Enterprise 2.0 evolve from Enterprise1.0? Technography – a simple technology-enabled technique for improving meetings Periodic Table of Visualization Methods Designing spaces for doing knowledge based work The Expert on Experts and Expertise The New Year2006 (63) Attributes of effective knowledge workers FASTforward conference and conference blog An Enterprise 2.0 case study from 1998 Implementing social technologies inside organizations New business models on Amazon’s infrastructure Science and democracy Blog Tag Game – 5 things people may not know about me Some new data to support the value of full text blog feeds Measuring the speed of a meme MIT’s John Maeda on design and simplicity Leveraging digital imagery in business processes More on email and project management Excellent new resource on Web 2.0 fo knowledge workers from Kathleen Gilroy Cognitive Edge: They did not respect or sit still for the devotional sacrifice Foxit Reader 2.0 (Windows) Five years at McGee’s Musings Why email continues to be a poor project management tool Things you really need to learn Why professors should blog Mind mapping survey results now available 15 year history of the web… Bob Sutton on Crappy People versus Crappy Systems New bloggers on the future of work Boys to men – 35th high school reunion Otter Group workshop – Everybody’s a CEO Bootcamp Beloit College’s Mindset List for the Class of 2010 Circles of knowledge and boundaries of ignorance Being smart about when to be diligent Tool-and-Die Makers in a Knowledge Economy New WordPress plugin – Landing Sites Hans Rosling talk on world economic development myths and realities Diligence vs laziness – Complexifiers vs simplifiers Visualizing timelines with AJAX Socialtext – Enterprise wiki/blogging tools go open source Traction Software – Enterprise Blogs and Wikis Strong Opinions, Weakly Held Knowledge management, reinvention, and innovation Balancing diligence and laziness Go to the head of the distribution by explaining the tail A compelling argument for organic business growth Universal plug adapter for foreign travel Learning to go meta Fact-based or ideology-based thinking: Go watch “An Inconvenient Truth” Comprehending Engineers Review of Naked Conversations An update on my shoulder and recovery progress Developing an eye and ear for Web 2.0 phenomena Eric Mack webinar on using MindManager as a Knowledge Management Tool John Sviokla blogging on technology and strategy Deliverables – the fundamental secret to improving knowledge work Stay away from the net today Checklist of features for good conceptual models Trust, Verify, and Triangulate – column at ESJ Visualizing situations – sense-making displays Switching from Radio to WordPress for McGee’s Musings Visual Thinking School from Dave Gray of Xplane Radio Archives About this blog Going hands on to get your arms around Enterprise 2.0 A reading list for aspiring knowledge workers Project Management Software Maker testing the word of mouth power of blogs Bruce Mau on Change (from 2004) Procrastination, knowledge work, and important problems2005 (156) Legacy systems: why history matters – Column at ESJ Deep thinking on strategy and talent on the football fields of Texas Tech Making new old friends by blogging Paul Saffo on rules for forecasting More new tools for knowledge work from MindJet An old look at a new idea – the value of personal knowledge management Corante Web Hub launches Can't we please try to solve real technology problems for real users? Case-based learning and mindmaps Helpful Phrase Dictionary for Readers of Dissertations and Scholarly Articles Davenport, Prusak and Cohen are Blogging Design as a signature skill for knowledge workers – ESJ Column Learning technologies overview from down under What is an information system? Building a personal knowledge management environment BlawgThink: Powered by MindManager Happy Shared Blogiversary to Liz Lawley Fourth blogiversary at McGee's Musings Becoming a better quick study of new markets and technology On the Menu at BlawgThink Take a Risk Today A visit from Buzz Corporate Blogging Resource Blogging Masters Thesis HBS – 25 years out The Wiki and the Blog: Toward a Complex Adaptive Intelligence Community Begin the Screen Details of my Windows/LAMP Environment Designing for Experience – Rettig and Goel How low can you go? How to Create a Better Checklist Merlin Mann on crafting good to-do lists John Seely Brown and New Learning Environments for 21st Century. Experimenting with Web 2.0 on my laptop Rich collection of idea generation methods Places to Intervene in a System WordPress Theme Toolkit WordPress Plugin: Image Zoom Hurricane Katrina: Blog for Relief Day – September 1 Thinkers you should know – David Reed NY Times on technology skills and careers 31 Days to Building a Better Blog RSS inside the organization Shutting down trackbacks Four Keys to More Effective On-the-Job Learning Sharing Knowledge Dowload of The Day: BartPE WP plugin: LinkNotes WP Plugin: Amazon Media Manager (New Version) Paul Graham on the deeper business lessons of open source Learning from your mistakes Frankston on DRM, markets, and why intelligent design isn't Bill Gates interview in the Chronicle of Higher Education It’s a bottoms-up world Be happy: admit ignorance Thinkers you should know – Alan Kay Your workshop for doing knowledge work A little history for the 4th of July From July 4, 1776 to Governmentium Be a statistic Corante launches Future Tense – on the future of work Don’t part with your illusions BBC Gives Away Beethoven Thanks Dave! One of those weeks Organizational lessons from Hunterdon High We are all apprenticing at light speed Interviewing Excellence On Experience What is GTD? Social Tools – Ripples to Waves of the Future. Change or die ESJ: A strategy for personal knowledge management Business Blogs: A Practical Guide is Now Available Generic meeting summary. Going Back to Old Nassau – 30th reunion next weekend Happy blogversary to Jack Vinson Tom Peters Wire Service launches My dinner with Buzz – time to get back to practicing blogging Latest ESJ Column – Crafting Uniqueness in Knowledge Work Dave turns 50 Red Couch interview with Buzz Bruggeman Institute for Backup Trauma Bertrand Russell on problems and solutions Mindjet recommends: Blogs on Information Visualization and Collaboration A strategy for improving knowledge work – new column at ESJ Mapping your Mindmaps – learning from the masters Distinguishing doing something from doing something useful The Art of Intelligence Three great MindManager blogs Bonnie Nardi on the structure of invisible work Advanced Bash Scripting Guide ESJ column: the invisibility of knowledge work Light blogging ahead – from snow to sand in 24 hours Corporate Blogging Guidelines SendToAny – send any file to any app Setup a Local Mirror of your WordPress Blog Mensa wordplay courtesy of John Dvorak Favicons from Pics Productivity blog showdown Safecracking and security Some Knowledge Management Blogs from Bill Ives Alan Kay on programming language design The Onion on Irish heritage First pot of leprechaun gold for St. Paddy Day blogging Interview: father of “life hacks” Danny O’Brien Life hacks at Etech A Swiss Army Knife Approach to Project Management Go ahead, make them look bad Lego Death Star II Coming Soon Happy Blogday to Ernie Lessig on O'Reilly and Linking Identity Theft is no joke – here's some free advice Free Software Foundation, Grokster, Strategy, and the MPAA The Ultimate Boot CD Blogs as personal knowledge management tool BlogAds Reader Survey Origami, science, love Valuing specialist knowledge The Tyranny of On-Time and On-Budget Going Home – Our Reformation Hold on to your sense of humor Visualizing baby names over time A Master Equation for All Life Processes? Not so intelligent designer You are an admin and you do need these lists Groupware New column at ESJ – improving systems by looking at buildings Blogs don't get people fired Online Social Networks 2005 Help build the GTD Wiki Lippman and Reed on Viral Networking How to read a business book More on the IT cultural divide New ESJ column on the IT cultural divide Donate your unused CPU time to cancer research Contracting, clarity, and requirements The perfectionist definition of “good enough” What You'll Wish You'd Known BlogWalk Chicago Reflections DSL connections troubleshooting in put Column at Enterprise Systems Journal. Copyrighted paintings – less to the story than meets the eye Edward Tufte on presenting evidence Jeff Bezos interview in Wired Barriers to entry AKMA on organizational change GM, Windows, and blogging Pro metadata will lose to folksonomy 50 book challenge results for 2004 Whereas I am about as nerdy as I suspected More RSS converts Thesauri links The purity of the English language An Enormous Collection of Crossword Puzzles Reflections on Getting Things Done at 43 Folders2004 (388) New Year's Wishes Seasons Greetings Free classical music Timeline Index – People, Periods, Places, Events Found time UC Berkeley on Information Overload Snowden’s rules for knowledge exchange Forbidden United Church of Christ ad RealClimate blog takes a look at Michael Crichton’s confusion Google’s University library project Cussler’s Black Wind – 50 Book Challenge Lakoff’s Don’t Think of an Elephant: Know Your Values and Frame the Debate–The Essential Guide for Progressives – 50 Book Challenge Caldwell’s The Rule of Four – 50 Book Challenge Kelly’s Cool Tools – 50 Book Challenge Cadenhead’s Radio UserLand Kick Start – 50 Book Challenge Another reason to have good earphones when you fly BlogWalk 6 in Chicago A wholehearted recommendation of Crossroads Dispatches Buzz with an example of high-stakes word-of-mouth Blogs, tomorrow’s learning, and why I blog Uwe Reinhardt Is a Real Health Economist Celestia: Real-Time Space Simulation Slacker Manager blog On the source of progress Today's nonsensical proposal – Blog Ethics Committee Eric Meyer’s CSS Presentation Tool – S5 Winer on right and wrong ways to use RSS Real emergency preparedness New Blogging Tool : Elite Journal A status update on my 50 book challenge. Tuning in to the whispers Story on Cobb County Creationism Case Neocortexes of the world unite! Props to Judith at Weblogs, Inc Making A Better Open Source CMS Screwed-up, evolvable protocols that out-learn well-designed solutions My i-Name Odd problem with Typepad RSS feeds Happy Shared Blogiversary to Liz Lawley Third blogiversary at McGee's Musings Blogs and market research Dinner with Judith and Dina Lunch with Betsy Devine: tenure, age, and folly David P. Reed wins WTN Communications Technology Award Just the facts Overachievement Ads in the Engadget RSS feed KMPro panel on Blogs in Business Paperbacks vs. computers My worst technology mistake Worthwhile Is Born Giving HitMaps a try Podcasting? Later not sooner for me Long tail creators vs. organizational control Some insight on next actions An early history of timesharing Multiple Monitors – put that extra laptop to use Wil Wheaton goes all the way Karl Sveiby knowledge management resources online SpaceShipOne captures X Prize McGee’s Musings new linking policy – what he said John Perry Barlow on John Kerry A day at the Brigham NY Times and James Fallows discover ActiveWords Philosophy in my inbox Tom Peter's adds RSS to his blog Standing up Parody of copyright billboard Keep the bird burning Reading habits and The Creative Habit A treat from Halley Lessig on the current campaign Endangered Devices – Buy an HDTV for Freedom! If you're a true Republican, you'll vote for Kerry Best Research Articles On Information Architecture Getting Things Done Advanced Workflow [PDF] What disasters have to teach us about organization Lunch with Halley Thinking of tools for knowledge workers The creative age Risking curiosity George Lakoff on how to argue with conservatives. The cubicle turns 40 Advice on blogging successfully Online Stopwatch Update to OneNote Virtual PowerToy Putting the hours in- working on your craft Atom support for news aggregator in Manila and Radio UserLand The Onion Summarizes John Kerry's Platform Harry Wessel on blogs in the workplace Buzz and Charley from street level Einstein and Freud Go to a Bar, and Freud Says . . . Optical Illusion More on Woody Guthrie’s sense of humor The day After Tomorrow – Best Review Stripe Snoop Homepage Friday Fun: A One-Minute Vacation Woody Guthrie had a sense of humor Weinberger on Orders of Organization Firefox problem with FeedDemon? Here's the fix A Taste Of Computer Security Setting the bar high enough In praise of idlenss Greg Iles's The Footprints of God – 50 Book Challenge Steven Johnson's Mind Wide Open – 50 Book Challenge Charles Stross's Iron Sunrise – 50 Book Challenge Brian Arkill's LDAP Directories Explained – 50 Book Challenge Eric Meyer's Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Ed – 50 Book Challenge Eric Meyer on CSS – 50 Book Challenge Gregory Dicum’s Window Seat – 50 Book Challenge Todd Carter’s Microsoft OneNote 2003 for Windows – 50 Book Challenge Dvorak and Pirillo’s Online! The Book – 50 Book Challenge Onion Routing Radio gets a product manager SMC Bests Airport Express: SMCWRK-G Testing Meme Propagation In Blogspace: Add Your Blog!. Strange Attractor Transportation Futuristics The Definition of a Great Blog, Example #1 History of the Automatic Teller New O’Reilly magazine: Make Adams on Murphy Dvorak on disruptive technology Mind Mapping for Results Denham on Anywhere – Anytime knowledge?? Wolfram explained NPR has RSS feeds with the usual clueless terms of use From the tarmac at Logan airport Tangled Up in Glue Your Personal Data, Out of Control. MBA Student Suvey Project: The Blog as a Meaningful Business Tool RSS from the WSJ Want Lookout? Get it today Martin Roell on Improving Knowledge Workers’ Productivity “Yes, And” and Uplift Improvs Seth Godin’s Read and Pass List of wiki engines Favorite PowerPoint Resources from Michael Hyatt How thinking goes wrong David Gelerntner on Beauty in Computing Appreciating clothes Syndication and Aggregation Weblogs and literacy for knowledge workers Innovation Conference in Melbourne How Many of These are In Your iPod? Friday Fun: The Killer App Synergetics Online The grassroots are where knowledge management must begin CIA Fact Book Full text RSS feeds make me happy!. The Hypertext Declaration of Independence Security Fix for Internet Explorer The importance of going native Robert Wilson’s Chronoliths – 50 Book Challenge Bruce Sterling’s Zenith Angle – 50 Book Challenge John McPhee’s Curve of Binding Energy – 50 Book Challenge Lawrence Lessig’s Free Culture – 50 Book Challenge John Brunner’s The Sheep Look Up – 50 Book Challenge Automating the GTD Weekly Review Subverting the folks in marketing Best SpaceShipOne Pix ANN: FeedDemon 1.11 – Security Update iTunes Album Art Importer for Windows I’m now mostly back Programming Languages No posting for a bit SpaceShipOne blog PDFs: not quite unlinkable Faith and Mathematics My two cents on Winer RSS Feed to dasBlog Content Converter Snap those Meeting Notes Google Globe.. The Simpsons: The Map of Springfield. History of Unix Another one of the Things the Web Is Great For Monkeying Around With Text The truth about RFPs The Personal Petabyte, The Exnterprise Exabyte from Jim Gray Dropping the Register from my subscriptions Listen to the sound of the Universe on your iPod Google is your friend Installing mod_python Congratulations Alan! Maybe it’s time for a new backpack? A refreshing 404 Error Message Download the US Constitution for your iPod Can adults learn? Step away from the laptop Corporate Blogging – Blogs as Paths in Open Spaces More from Tufte on sparklines Can You Blog the Blog? Nigritude Ultramarine Welcome, Nancy! Geek test Wireless Unleashed A Poor Man’s Computer Virus A polymath in an age of specialists Window seat Tales Of Future Past Girls are evil according to math? Documents in IE Why men are worse Personal knowledge management in KM Magazine Proof that girls are evil Rubik's cube solver done in Lego Neal Stephenson's Quicksilver novel’s wiki. The coolest Honda commercial of all time ActiveWords Code Grabber Opera 7.5 knows RSS Seb adding to my reading load Definition of Honesty Bill O’Reilly trying to bury his Fresh Air interview Dave Pollard on Blog Functionality George Siemens on the Art of Blogging Guide to buying a high-definition TV Dictionary Corner- Global Office Gabble Charles Stross’s Singularity Sky – 50 book challenge Elizabeth Moon’s Trading in Danger – 50 Book Challenge Drowning in a Sea of Surety High school, sex, the student press, and CNN Dali quote for the open copyright folks More on OneNote and OPML OneNote and outlining OneNote imports OPML Expanding the ActiveWords community Michael Porter on Charlie Rose Just filling a role If It’s Urgent, Ignore It Asperger’s syndrome and tacit expertise Organisational Story-Telling Quotes about design The 46 Best Free Utility Programs Storytelling Waiting for Tinderbox 2 for Windows Easy DRM Stripping for Windows iTunes Winner in the perfect weblog pitch competition The power of questions to create knowledge John Seely Brown on knowledge creation and storytelling TabTag – adding SQL capabilities to Outlook Ernie on weblogs as smart filters Guide to problem based learning Research on technology impact out of HP Another Form of Grade Inflation You can't rush readiness Technorati macro for Radio World's greatest Wi-Fi signal finder Great New RSS Primer Handy DNS lookup site Blogging mindfully The Problems With Training (and What to Do About It). New York Times on Knowledge Management Small Pieces Loosely Joined for kids Etienne Wenger's work on Communities of Practice Adding to my reading list After Action Review Toolkit One bag Richard Morgan's Altered Carbon – 50 Book Challenge John Brunner's Shockware Rider – 50 Book Challenge Complexity and design Learing caution in designing technology for organizations The Dark Side of Numbers: The Role of Population Data Systems in Human Rights Abuses National identity cards, wicked problems, and tough thinking Zen hot dog On Reality ’social intelligence’ quote Honesty in organizations 'Perfect Pitch' Deadline — Less Than 78 Hours and Counting!. unmediated Math joke David Allen’s Ready for Anything – 50 Book Challenge David Gerrold's The Man Who Folded Himself – 50 Book Challenge Dan Brown's Deception Point – 50 Book Challenge Dan Brown's Digital Fortress – 50 Book Challenge Mark Hurst on bit literacy Scirus: Science focused search engine PDASmart offers superior iPod battery replacement Playfair forced offline by Apple, reappears on Indian site. You are your references Agility and adaptiveness. Ray Ozzie Freely copy iTunes Music Store files 'Perfect' Corporate Weblogging 'Elevator Pitch' Competition Idea joggers and brain starters for writers Ernie's photos from Chicago Blogger dinner Social Network Systems from Bob Frankston Remote Web Cam Send-up of “Respect Copyright” PSAs Jim Macdonald explains writing On the getting of agents MessageSave and EZDetach make Outlook mail management a lot easier Adding Feedster search Active Listening (and Reading) Busy People or Productive Organization Corporate Blogging Resources An April Fools Day Scrooge A People, Once Liberated… The 'Perfect' Corporate Weblogging 'Elevator Pitch' Competition Axsoft is offering a free 3-user license for their bug-tracker Blogging, calendaring, and timelines 75 top security tools Moving between blogging tools Making Your Blog Posts Spiffy Spyware Blaster 3.0 – great protection Tanglao family +1 Techno-fetishist meet Fluffy-bunny Knowledge work process analysis and photo selection at Sports Illustrated Sturgeon's law and RSS The Dunbar Number as a Limit to Group Sizes Chicago Blogger Dinner An ActiveWords blog debuts Peter Block on Mutiny and Self-Management David Allen Blogs Happy St. Patrick's Day Blogger dinner in Chicago Bruce Schneier's Crypto-Gram now has an RSS feed!. Science fiction invention timeline SnipSnap – java blogging/wiki tool Web based application development tracker The Friday Five Blogging Survey Socialtext in the Economist Late this month, the planets will put on a show for you Share now. Shape tomorrow Adding Jim Kunstler to my reading list New insights from Tufte Strange Harmonic Convergence Cyberspace Innkeeping: Building Online Community New Gadget Site – Engadget Virtual Bubble Wrap Most people can't handle more than a couple hundred feeds Reinstalling Radio – possible breakage ahead The newest Berkman Fellow: David Weinberger. No silver bullet Subversive lecturing – coopting social software to promote real learning Reducing friction in knowledge work Dan Bricklin on Clayton Christensen It's good to be Irish Product warning labels for physicists Congratulations to Dave on his Wired nomination Cyborg Name Generator Understanding slush, a primer on rejection. Eric Gradman: Distributed Social Software Heinlein's For Us the Living – 50 Book Challenge Christensen's Innovator's Solution – 50 Book Challenge NYTimes on Technology and Worker Efficiency The spreading virus of IP law Demo 2004 Blog Charles Cave's creativity Website Idea Recording from Charles Cave Organizational silence and its costs Bible via RSS Who's working on Personal Information Management?. Rational ignorance Wild Eastern Standard Tribe remixes Pun du jour Capster: run a program at startup A fix for text-only links Innovation Weblog ActiveWords wordbase for OneNote Blogging to Radio UserLand from FeedDemon Russell Ackoff resources on systems thinking How Many Social Nets Are Too Many? 50 book challenge Word of the day. Misologist Happy blogiversary AKMA! Esther Dyson moves blog, misplaces RSS feed The Oldest Weblog Math and physics visualizers Email is where knowledge goes to die feedexplorer from Diego Doval New Technorati Infrastructure Snopes RSS Feed social (software) entrepreneurs?… Wikipedia timelines Mark Hurst on managing one's bits Blogging the market needs work Blog reading practices Peter Drucker in Fortune Engelbart profile in Wired and tools for knowledge work RSS feeds from CIO Magazine Paul Graham on What You Can't Say Power to the Edge .TEXT blogging tool Amazon tidbit from Kevin Kelly Let’s get p2p about RSS share your feeds. Crichton on Reason Technology Review weblog – now with RSS Craftsperson and tool2003 (373) Happy New Year Zip-Linq cables: device charging without bricks. Rick Klau celebrates two years blogging John Perry Barlow Blogs New weblog – Abusable Technology Hal Macomber on listening skills A history of the Internet Take 10 Seconds to Get Soup to the Needy Doc Searls – It's the Story, Stupid Storylines in a new organizational narrative RSS channels I track Wrist-mounted catapault watch On planning User Friendly RSS feed available ActiveRenderer 2.0 beta in progress Good news at Userland One hot design book Jaron Lanier on software scalability 10,000 Ebooks Arthur C. Clarke on Information Pollution Pssss… Have You Heard About RSS? Say yes to taking control ActiveWords a Winner Again A link-rich meditation on time from Jay Cross Jay Cross overview of knowledge management Get ActiveWords – FREE!. Umberto Eco on Paper vs. Electronic Memory John Patrick on Blogs. What's your Google Number? John Seely Brown on Stolen Knowledge Some lessons learned MASIE Center reference on Learning Specifications & Standards EDS: Running with the squirrels From status report to discovery tool Dilbert on status reports Status reports in the knowledge based enterprise Newsweek Survey – What's Your 'Digital IQ'? ER-6 headphones Don’t return those MP3s Full-text feeds and weblog comments Full text please Information architecture references Wiki – KM survey. Electronic Portfolio White Paper A step forward or backward? Pollard on Personal Productivity Improvement Personal Wiki PIM – Update I Ed Taekema – Road Warrior Collaboration Feedster – Don't Blog Without it!. Internet Help Desk mamamusings: Internet Librarian: 30 Search Tips in 40 Minutes Denham on knowledge searching Questions matter Questions and Ignorance Tools and problems Dave Pollard on The Future of Knowledge Management Jay Cross's Controversial View of Meta-Learning Censorware Blocks This Site RSS = “push locally, pull globally” Some empirical support for the magic number 150 J. Boyle on the 2nd Enclosure Movement Lego fabrication, stylishly explained Information on the Assembly Line The Copyright Cage. Ruth McGee 1925-2003 The issue is user created context Political Compass Social networking – the link is the thing… Lunch with Rick Klau Congratulations Full Professor AKMA Mitch on blogging and life More RSS feeds My subscriptions network happy belated blogiversary…a haiku gift from Judith Meskill Welcome How Everyday Things Are Made Beginner’s mind Can Gator pass the Mom Test? Liz Lawley and I share a blogiversary today Second blogiversary Scott Johnson – The people I read are my intelligent agents Google gaffe on blogging tools – old style marketing collides with web reality? Lowering the power of context LazyWeb request: RSS readership tracking. A formula for blogging in organizations Lowering the barriers to expression New Radio theme Chief knowledge officer key to survival? Alan Kay and Six Sigma Matt Jones timelines collection Scott Griffin's bios of internet pioneers. Technology Review weblog One more example of Sturgeon's Law – Perseus study on weblogs Blogrolls as obsolete concept Windley on Event Driven Business Waiting eagerly for Roland Tanglao's LinkFest to ship Alarm Bell Phrases Comments Feed for McGee's Musings Tech weenies, learning, and risk Another new blogger without an RSS feed Building bridges back to the rest of the world The latest round of games in the instant messaging arena Thinking of KM tools Principles for step-by-step assembly instructions Blogmapper Watching blogs update across the dymaxion map Skype – trying to get past the corporate firewall Compatibility of Weblogs and ISSN Science Toys You Can Make With Your Kids Space-age illustrations gallery Democratic National Committee weblog with RSS feeds Presentation on weblogs in the organization from Michael Angeles of Lucent Jon Udell touts Syncato Learning to action Go with the weblog flow David Isenberg starts a blog Another new content management blog cms~wire – Content Management Blog. Copyright cops in the NYTimes MP3s Are Not the Devil – Orson Scott Card on copyright Devil's Dictionary on Copyright Knowledge at Work – Denham Gray's new blog Making the Case for the Case Method Recommended reading from Ray Ozzie – Power to the Edge Rolling Stone's classic coverage on Spacewar and computing Dan Bricklin adds an RSS feed I'm not waiting up for the semantic web Dolly Levi as the patron saint of the knowledge economy Gifts in my aggregator Willful ignorance Space Camp Communities of Practice Documents update on places to intervene in a system Eric Raymond on cognitive stress and knowledge work 12 Leverage Points to Intervene in a System Manage the first derivative. From managing knowledge to coaching knowledge workers “Crash”different or the same? Goodies from Frank Patrick A resource on story from Kevin Kelly I.B.M. Systems Journal on Knowledge Management James Roberston on the laws of nonsense Lockergnome's RSS Resource Shooting for wisdom, hoping for common sense Crude classifications and false generalizations Dynamic historical atlas My secret hope for blogs Still a few bugs in the system Kensington WiFi Finder Making feed subscribing easier A look at recent user level activity in the RSS world Rory Perry summarizes emergence of weblogs as mainstream content platform. Buzz narrowly escapes his 15 minutes of fame Testing outbound trackback in Radio Technorati Profiles Hotels with high speed net access John Robb resurfaces Software development – a model for knowledge work as craft Character encoding quirks in the aggregator Adding (n)Echo support to my copy of Radio Extreme mobility and knowledge work effectiveness Project Management and Horses Astronomy photo of the day – in the eye of the beholder Productivity tips on how to handle E-mail – thinking about how to use our tools Dial-up isn’t so bad when the alternative is no dialtone Ignoring the media for real insights into change. Weblogs and knowledge management . Don’t forget to KISS Knowledge Representation Timeline Test post from NewsGator If information foraging is the metaphor, are weblogs the ur-farms of the knowledge economy? Matrix Reloaded — the abridged script I’ll respect it when it ships A nice collection of computer related wisdom from Joel via Scoble More gifts; if you share, you learn Sage advice from Thomas Jefferson A user tries to follow the Echos of the RSS debate A present from Lilia in my aggregator A welcome present from Unbound Spiral RSS from the user’s side Scoble draws faulty analogies between Starbucks and Microsoft Learning from others mistakes – this is broken Must ‘clueful politician’ be an oxymoron? Mapping our way to knowledge management Blogging for knowledge workers–think compound interest and start tomorrow If the only tool you have is a hammer… Diving into the middle Treading softly with blogs in organizations What teachers make Thieves vs. customers Active reflection, managed learning, and organizational change Ad Council Campaign for Freedom Kevin Kelly’s Recomendo Creative Computing Archives 1976 online Don’t define knowledge, improve knowledge work instead All the world’s a stage Adam Curry on weblog as copy-paste culture Blogs and designing a knowledge work environment Getting up to speed on wikis, part 3 Fill Life Starship dimensions Dibs on Weblog Outliner Tool Grokking the case method of business education Activewords press New gig in the private sector The power of grassroots in knowledge management Punting the SAT Lessig petition on reclaiming the public domain Software testing resources Travel with the Bill of Rights Getting up to speed on wikis, part 2 Customized Bumper Stickers via the web Commons Sense weblog Hacking the Xbox Some quotes for the day Improving the interaction between individual and organizational intelligence Getting up to speed on wikis James Robertson of Column Two on KM Standards Success and failure in software project management Geekiness confirmed Geneaology of programming languages Weblogs and knowledge management, part 2 Swartz on Tufte on Powerpoint Beureaucrats with a sense of humor Units of Angst Top Network Security Tools Yesterday's tomorrows Installing the k-collector beta Getting better at supporting informal learning Watching for the imminent arrival of k-collector Protect and Exercise your freedom to read RSS feed for Radio Userland tech support Weblogs and knowledge management Weblogs in Learning Settings Trust, security, and organization design Knowledge workers and productivity tools Alan Kay and Emerging Technology Dan Bricklin on online piracy The crucial elearing question RSS feeds from Corante! The lineage of good ideas Online texts from National Academies Press Congratuations to Sebastien Paquet Rube Goldberg Honda Commercial The real risks of knowledge sharing Moonset from the International Space Station World as a blog Marc Rettig on Interaction Design Adding comments to my weblog Springsteen on the Dixie Chicks. Weblogs in organizations and finding voice knowledge work improvement – black box, white box, and deliverables Engelbart documentary Learning to learn The Buffalo theory Alan Cooper on knowledge work as craft Grassroots knowledge management RSS resource page from Michael Fagan Daily Princetonian RSS Feed Knowledge management and questions – wisdom from James Thurber TIA, ESP, and data mining humility Knowledge management and weblogs Positive learning assumptions Thinking in public, part 4 – impact of loose coupling among weblogs Thinking in public, part 3 – risks and barriers Thinking in public, part 2 Personal computing history – Bob Frankston on implementing Visicalc RSS feed for Virgina Postrel's dynamist weblog Weblogs in my tool mix Knowledge work, weblogs, and fair process More on agenda setting and weblogs Thinking in public – knowledge management with a small k Googlewash or Agenda Setting? Reed on the Myth of Interference Breaking the law in Illinois? Use your computer, break the law Examples of good and bad information graphics Weblogs as filtering tools Listed on blogshares The future of Digital Restrictions Management? Interview with Robert Kahn on ARPAnet history Mindstorms resources Morons in the news Email and revealing communities of practice Blogs as an ugly term Multitasking might make you stupid, but that doesn't mean you have a choice Email as a useful hybrid of oral and literate thinking Investing in knowledge sharing – starting on the weblog learning curve Ditto on RSS Feed problems Sharing knowledge with yourself Adding trusted blog search No, it isn't done yet Expanding the boundaries of my ignorance Weblogs and passion Roogle morphs to Feedster Nonsense about RFID tags in Benetton's fashions Standards vs. Regulation The horror of blimps Profile of Freedom to Tinker's Ed Felten Where all of us live Images of the future circa 1950 Idea flow through the blogging universe Model rockets as terrorist threat Truth and story North, HarvardMan, North Goodbye, Mr. Rogers Key weblog terms Why not RSS? Introverted and proud We all do knowledge work God as hacker Bayes theorem in practice Making room for good knowledge Research on how designers work More on Memex and weblog traces Memex construction nearing completion? Mucking about with this site Bubbling blogs and emergent order If you only have a nail, every tool looks like a hammer It’s all clear to me now Defenestrating technology Traffic and traffic jams Doc Searls stolen laptop IBM research papers on knowledge management Change as a team sport Sharing vs. hoarding knowledge Outliners NOT considered harmful Is knowledge work improvable? Knowledge work and productivity Knowledge work and productivity Cruciverbalists congregate b-blogs = k-logs Research universities and the culture of ideas Rational and organizational minds Confessions of an RSS bigot Writing posts from Radio’s outliner Clear thinking on intellectual property Weblogs are for learners Overview presentation on e-Learning from Jay Cross Murphy’s Law and Design Getting back to stories Creators and distributors Lovely rant on Jack Valenti Insecure door locks Brains, minds, and teaching Managing for shared awareness Roadwired bags Learning about Open Spectrum Suggested reading from Boxes and Arrows Research study on weblogs and community building Outlining and weblogs Doing anthropology Proxemics and knowledge management Strategies for implementing knowledge management Thought for today Blogs, PR, and competitive intelligence More fine print on RIAA, CSPP, BSA agreement Supreme Court decides copyright case OODA Loops and point of view A ship date for the next Harry Potter book Finding the fine print in mandates Viridian design Does knowledge management imply digital? Creative Commons RSS feed Connecting weblog conversations Technology vs. Magic Dave Winer goes to Harvard Alien abduction dog tags Forward motion and self-organizing networks Learning versus schooling Weblogs and comments Learning and Community Getting your blog on the map Social Network Mapping and Blogs