Paperbacks vs. computers

Sometihng to keep in mind if you find yourself getting too wrapped in in technology for its own sake.

A five dollar paperback book will dance on the grave of a five thousand dollar computer. Global Algorithm 1.9: Unstable Networks
by Bruce Sterling, 1996

“There’s nothing more grotesquely temporary than a computer …

I moved house recently. This caused me to make a trip to the Austin city landfill. Austin has a very nice landfill actually, it’s manned by well-meaning Green enthusiasts who are working hard to recycle anything usable. When I went there last month I discovered a heap of junked computers that was two stories high. Dead monitors, dead keyboards, dead CPUs, dead modems. The junk people in my home town get a stack that size once a week.

I had to pay some close attention to that mighty heap of dead computers. It had all the sinister lure of the elephants’ graveyard. Most of those computers looked like they were in perfect working order. The really ominous part of the stack was the really quite large percentage of discarded junk that was still in the shrinkwrap. Never been used, and already extinct …

Even paperback books have a far longer lifespan than computers. It’s a humble thing, a book, but the interface doesn’t change and they don’t need software upgrades and new operating systems. A five dollar paperback book will dance on the grave of a five thousand dollar computer.”

[Purse Lip Square Jaw]

My worst technology mistake

Ben Bradley of interviewed me about Knowledge Management that ran over at Darwin magazine a few weeks back. It was an interesting exercise reflecting on my worst technology mistake. It probably won’t surprise anyone here, but I concluded that

In particular, I ve become a lot more skeptical about top-down approaches to knowledge management. And I ve become much more cautious about the importance of pushing the technology envelope. We were doing a lot of good things to improve internal communications and interactions among our experts. We started paying more attention to that to good effect. Not as sexy, but a lot more impact.

My current thinking is that organizations that want to make progress on KM will need to blend top-down and bottoms-up approaches. It’s not a question of which approach is right, but of how to blend both approaches.

Giving HitMaps a try

Thought I would give this a try, although all it may reveal is how few people hit this site. We’ll see what the data looks like tomorrow when it updates. You’ll find more information at the project page for HitMaps.

HitMaps comes out of the closet. KMi’s Jiri Komzak has extended the nifty little blog-gutter-tool that you now see along the upper left side of Get Real, which shows you the locations of everyone who has visited this page (after a once-nightly update, that is)…. [Get Real]

Podcasting? Later not sooner for me

I’ve been following all the energy and excitement around the notion of podcasting with a certain amount of skepticism. This certainly explains why I haven’t yet been a consumer and am not likely to be. I generally don’t spend a lot of extended time in cars and I don’t find listening to be as high-bandwidth a channel as reading. I do travel by air a lot, but I generally use that time to read, not listen.

I’ll grant that there are a lot of busy people who do find themselves behind the wheel and would definitely prefer something intelligent to the usual fare on the radio. It may be that podcasting might be relevant to me as a potential producer of content rather than as a consumer. So, I’m continuing to pay attention, but it’s likely to remain lower on my list than making sure I make more time to post some old-fashioned text to my blog.

A picture named pod.jpgIf you want to understand podcasting, get an iPod, get the software, subscribe to some feeds. Then go for a drive, ride a subway or an airplane, take a walk, do something away from the computer and take the iPod with you. Listen to one of the new programs. Then let me know if it works. Fact is, you can’t use your eyes when you’re driving, they’re busy. Same with walking. It’s pretty hard to type on a subway. Annotation, if it’s going to happen, will be in voice, and implemented in the iPod. It’s easy to see if you just use it. Use it. Use it. Nike says just do it. The iPod commands: Use it. [Scripting News]

Long tail creators vs. organizational control

Scoble’s message in a bottle to Bill Gates keys in on an essential truth; that the underlying reality of the wealth of new tools around the web is about creating:

I told him to understand the content-creation trend that’s going on. It’s not just pod-casting. It’s not just blogging. It’s not just people using Garageband to create music. It’s not just people who soon will be using Photostory to create, well, stories with their pictures, voice, and music. It’s not just about ArtRage’ers who are painting beautiful artwork on their Tablet PCs. It’s not just the guys who are building weblog technology for Tablet PCs. Or for cell phones. Or for camera phones.

This is a major trend. Microsoft should get behind it. Bigtime. Humans want to create things. We want to send them to our friends and family. We want to be famous to 15 people. We want to share our lives with our video camcorders and our digital cameras. Get into Flickr, for instance. Ask yourself, why is Sharepoint taking off? (Tim O’Reilly told us that book sales of Sharepoint are growing faster than almost any other product). It’s the urge to create content. To tell our coworkers our ideas. To tell Bill Gates how to run his company! Isn’t this all wild?

Obviously, this all ties into the recent flurry of commentary about the “long tail.” We’ve been indoctrinated for so long into the mythos of mass markets, that we’ve forgotten that human creativity preceeds and predates those markets. After you’ve created a mass marketing/distribution system, the system demands that you find or create hits to feed it. Change the economics of the creation and distribution systems and you open up the entire distribution not just the obvious tail. This is nothing more than Coase’s arguments about how changing transaction costs will play out. Tim Jarrett makes this point and also connects the argument to Clay Shirky’s Power Laws, Weblogs, and Inequality article.

Both Robert and Tim begin to show how the problem of attention may not be as big a problem as has been argued. Sure, it’s a problem to the mass marketer/distributor who thinks they are entitled to a portion of my and everyone else’s attention. And initially, it’s a problem for me as I learn how to find and connect to that unique mix of sources scattered throughout the entire distribution that warrant my attention. When it settles down, however, my attention ends up better spent with that unique set of trusted advisors than it does filtered through the classic lens of mass market distribution.

One of my particular interests lies in what all of this means for doing knowledge work inside organizations. The mentality of mass market distribution manifests inside organizations as a concern for control. In a mass market world or organization there is room for only one message and, frequently, only one messenger. From this industrial perspective, attention management looms as a grave threat. If I insist on routing all decisions about attention through a central node, then, of course, that node suffers from attention overload. But it does so at the expense of wasting potential attention capacity distributed throughout the organization. The only hope of tapping the available attention capacity of the organization is to give up the attachment to conventional notions of control. Put another way, the biggest obstacle to success remains the emotional needs of senior leadership to stay in control.

An early history of timesharing

I first used a timesharing computer in 1973 in a summer job with the old McDonnell Douglas. It was a Xerox SDS machine. My terminal was an old Teletype 33. This is a fascinating account from one of the early inventors in the field.

“I still don’t understand where all the computer time goes in time-sharing installations, and neither does anyone else.” — John McCarthy, 1983 (Of course, the state of the art has advanced considerably since then; now we don’t even know where the compute time goes in single-user workstations.) [Hack the Planet]

Multiple Monitors – put that extra laptop to use

I’ve got an old IBM Thinkpad available. With a little rearranging in the study, this could be a worthwhile investment.

Multiple Monitors – put that extra laptop to use.

MaxiVista is out with their new 1.5 version. This new version has a few bug fixes, but also supports up to THREE secondary displays via three other PCs. If you’ve got other laptops or Tablets around, you’ve GOT to try MaxiVista. Don’t confuse it with ShareKMC or VNC.

This is a SOFTWARE DISPLAY ADAPTER that shows up in your Display Properties. Treat it like any other monitor. Here’s my setup. It’s pure sex.

[ – Scott Hanselman’s Weblog]

Wil Wheaton goes all the way

Another convert to full text feeds. Perfect timing from my perspective as I’ve just started following Wil’s site. I’ve also just started reading Just a Geek, which looks like it will be fun

full text rules!.

After several conversations at Gnomedex with geeks who are better at being geeks than I am, I’ve decided to put the full text of all my posts into my XML feed from now on.

I guess I hadn’t done this in the past because I wanted people to actually visit my site, but I don’t care about traffic any more. Now I just want people to enjoy what I write, in whatever format they prefer, including offline newsreaders.

In a related story, thanks for all the advice about newsreaders. I’ve been fooling around with Sage for the last few hours . . . the “discover feeds” thing is a killer app, man.

[WIL WHEATON dot NET: Where is my mind?]