The truth about RFPs

I spend way too much time in conversations like these.

Responding to RFPs.

Very very funny :o)

So, let s say I build houses and someone says.. Hey, wanna come and build me a house?

I say Damn Straight Brother what do you need?

They say Well, I really want blue walls how much will that cost?

I say Hmm.. well, I need to know more about the house you need how many floors, how big, will you need a basement? How many doors?

They say Well, you should know that s not important. What I really need is wood shingles. Now knowing what you know how much will the house cost? And don t try to screw me because I m going to hold you to it and I also have 50 other house builders bidding for the work

I say Um let s go with $250,000

They say Wow, that s a lot. Could you justify that based on my requirements?

I say Well, it s the blue paint that made all the difference… [Joel from Canada via SoulSoup]

[incorporated subversion]

Dropping the Register from my subscriptions

I agree, I’ve just unsubscribed from the Register feed as well. Besides finding little worth reading there, I find a headline only feed to be pretty useless anyway

Harvard man loses 3,000 weblogs | The Register. Dave Winer popularized Netscape’s RDF syndication format, which has since splintered into nine incompatible formats.

This is just troll bait.

I’m unsubscribing to the register. The news there has gone tabloid. Obliviously they’re after traffic for ads. Wankers.
[Steve Hooker: cyberSaps business]

Congratulations Alan!

Congratulations indeed! I used to wish that Alan would publish more, but I finally realized that Alan’s choice was an engineer’s choice to build stuff because it was interesting and not worry about where the credit fell. Nice to know that nice guys practicing old fashioned ways can still win after all.

Congratulations Alan!.

Congratulations to Alan Kay for winning 2004 Kyoto Prize in addition to the ACM Turing Prize and the NAE Draper Prize earlier. He’s really “cleaning up” this year. This is cool. He deserves it.

Hope this helps the Squeak project too!

more info on the Kyoto Prize

By Joichi Ito [Joi Ito’s Web]

Step away from the laptop

Another bit of fun from Dina. I’ve been engaged in this argument for almost as long as there have been personal computers, perhaps longer than that. In fact, I think I will follow this advice now and call it a night. There’s certainly no way I’m going to catch up with Scoble anyway.

Conversations !.

This is for all blog spouses – Judith sent me the link this morning – thanks J !

A picture named new_yorker.jpg

Do you find yourself in this situation ?

I do sometimes :):):).

[Conversations with Dina]

Welcome, Nancy!

Welcome, indeed. Nancy and I started talking about getting her up and blogging over a year ago. I’d like to think the delay was a function of other things on her plate, rather than testimony to my persuasive skills. Regardless, it’s nice to have her here finally.

Welcome, Nancy!. Woo-friggin-hoo! Long-time online facilitation expert Nancy White has finally started her own weblog (did she hear my plea?). The online community toolkit that she s been building for years is chock-full of great material, which I suppose she ll do us the pleasure of introducing bit by bit.

A recent post reports on an experiment I d been meaning to try but had yet to find the right conditions for: having group of chat participants listen the same music while chatting – much as would happen at a party – as a means of creating a shared atmosphere and giving participants a better sense of togetherness. Apparently it turned out very well I ll really have to try it. Webjay could make it quite easy.

This post also appears on channel social software

[Seb’s Open Research]

Geek test

I think I’ve done this one before. My score tonight? 50.09862% – Super Geek.

I just did a quick search. I have done this test before with a slightly higher score of 53.25444%.

Are you a geek?. Ken always finds the good tests. He’s a a “Total Geek” with a score of 26.23274% (gotta love that precision). I, on the other hand, am a “Poser” with a score of 6.1144%. I’m not sure that’s a bad thing :)…. [IDblog]