Software development – a model for knowledge work as craft

I’ve been working out the notion of knowledge work as craft for a while now. Knowledge management approaches fail to the extent that they try to shoehorn knowledge work into an industrial framework. If I buy a thousand Thinkpads for my organization, I want and expect everyone of them to function identically. If I distribute them to a thousand consultants, their clients will expect each presentation, analysis, and report to creatively reflect the unique needs and characteristics of each client. If I’m a smart manager, I’ll focus on making it possible for that uniqueness to appear. I certainly shouldn’t expect the management practices designed to eliminate variability to be very much help when variability is what I actually want.

Last week I had a chance to catch up with Greg Lloyd, founder of Traction Software, which is an enterprise level weblogging environment. Traction is rooted in the work of Doug Engelbart and the early hypertext/hypermedia research of Andy van Dam at Brown. One of the topics we talked about was where to find helpful models for understanding knowledge work and how it differs from production work.

Software development is arguably one of the oldest “modern” knowledge work fields and holds many lessons for all of us doing knowledge work. Better still, for my purposes, software development has worked through the blind alley of trying to force knowledge work into a factory model and come out the other end as 21st century craft.

The goal here is to focus on the principles and practices that software developers have developed to guide and manage their work, not on the substance of the work itself. Think of what software craftsmen take for granted that the rest of us knowledge workers lack or have to cobble together for ourselves–version control, issue tracking, forking. These are just a few of the techniques for making the work of software development more visible and, therefore, more manageable. Other concepts that come to mind include iterative development, granularity, prototyping, and modular design.

Lots of details to work out here, but this feels like a productive line of thought. Some of the sources I’ve been monitoring and can recommend:

Weblogs and knowledge management . Don’t forget to KISS

Web logs as KM (Con’t). I’ve been struggling with this whole “what is going to make Web logs use successful” question for a while as the idea is getting more an more interest here. The bottom line, I believe is acceptance by classroom teachers as a useful technology. To me, it all starts from there. I think potential users need to know the technology is easy to use, works as advertised, and enhances the educational experience of their students. Absent widespread adoption, it’s a tough sell to try something new on a district level for “managing our knowledge.” But I think there are enough models out there to at least whet their appetites and pilot some uses. From a KM standpoint, Jim McGee finishes off a nice wrapup of Web logs as KM with this:

Weblogs are interesting in organizational KM settings because weblogs are technologically simple and socially complex, which makes them a much better match to the KM problems that matter. One thing that we need to do next is to work backwards from the answer – weblogs – to the problem – what do organizations need to do effective knowledge management. We need to avoid the mistakes of other KM software vendors and not assume that the connection is self-evident.

As usual, this has me thinking. I’ve just been appointed to “champion” the KM/Internal Communications topic at our annual “Critical Issues” gathering next month. That’s when the administrative team sits down to talk about the solutions to the issues that we feel are most important (and this came in at the top of the list.) As such, I need to develop a problem statement, so Jim’s observations are once again distinctly relevant. What exactly are our needs in KM?

  • We have two dozen committees that never “speak” to one another.
  • We have parents interested in our work that can’t access it.
  • We have teachers who could use materials and ideas and opportunities for collaboration.
  • We have students creating a whole heckuva lot of knowledge that gets lost when the day ends.
  • We have data.
  • We have results.
  • We have a lot more situations like this throughout our organization. [emphasis added]

And right now, it’s so hard to get to any of that “knowledge” that it is resulting in a real lack of communication and growing frustration with that fact. I think here it’s almost a question of communicating knowledge more than managing it (although I realize they are the same thing on some levels.) Web logs allow for inexpensive, easy creation and storage or publication of information (or knowledge) that is accessible, archivable, and searchable. Also, Web logs are flexible in terms of access and security. They are at first (and second) blush a viable solution to what is a growing problem. But only, and this is the big one, only if people use them. What I need to keep in mind is to grow into the solution instead of implementing it. I can see the end result in my brain, but I need the patience to nurture it into fruition. [weblogged News]

A nice list of examples of the kinds of simple things that weblogs enable that matter.

The simplicity of weblogs is the central reason for their success and their promise as a tool for making knowledge work easier. That same simplicity also makes weblogs (and wikis for that matter) a hard sell into organizational settings.

Technology vendors do not make money by demonstrating easy solutions to problems. Managerial wisdom in organizations is about learning to apply the 80/20 rule ruthlessly. Technology developers love to solve the tricky problems and handle the edge cases. Technology vendors have all learned to sell against one another through feature wars. No one wants to invest the time to learn how to use the tools at hand to solve the problems at hand.

knowledge workers have limited capacity to absorb new ideas and practices into their already overfull lives. You can suck up that limited capacity in learning the ins and outs of some fancy new knowledge management tool or you can use that capacity for examining individual and group work practices and adapting them. Weblogs and wikis let you dial in that  balance in a different, and potentially better, place than more complex tools.

Here’s a bit of design wisdom that is particularly important now as we seriously begin to think about how to blend technology and organizational practice to get to better knowledge work:

  In anything at all, perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away.
  Antoine de Saint-Exupery

If information foraging is the metaphor, are weblogs the ur-farms of the knowledge economy?

Information Foraging.

Information Foraging: “Information foraging is the most important concept to emerge from Human-Computer Interaction research since 1993. Developed at Xerox PARC by Stuart Card, Peter Pirolli, and colleagues, information foraging uses the analogy of wild animals gathering food to analyze how humans collect information online.”

[elearnspace blog]

I think you could make a pretty easy argument linking the upsurge in weblog popularity to how well tuned they are to supporting effective information foraging. Add in good aggregators and perhaps we have the first hints of the knowledge economy equivalent of the transition from hunter-gatherer cultures to agriculture.

Mapping our way to knowledge management

Part of successful knowledge management in organizations will revolve around how good a job we do at drawing “maps” that help explain and represent this new territory. Dane Carlson offers pointers to some resources we can adapt to that task.

You Are Here: Maps 101. How to create a good map. I’ll remember this for the next Talk Like a Pirate Day. via The Map Room: A weblog about maps, a good read itself…. [Dane Carlson’s Weblog]

In the wonderful serendipity that using a news aggregator offers, Frank Patrick’s Focused Performance weblog (a great resource on project management brings the following tidbit:

A Clarification on Maps and Plans. A Clarification on Maps and Plans — I recently quoted Alford Korzybski, using his often cited statement,

“A map is not the territory.”

Upon researching it, I didn’t go far enough. The complete statement from is actually…

“A map is not the territory it represents, but if correct, it has a similar structure to the territory, which accounts for its usefulness.”

Puts a whole ‘nother spin on it, doesn’t it?

Project plans and schedules can be made to model a “similar structure” to the project itself, sufficiently reflecting reasonable expectations of the future as well as uncertainty to be useful. (I think someone — who was it? — once said that “all models are wrong, but some models are useful.” If that’s so, then I’m comfortable with the idea that some models are more useful than others.) [Frank Patrick’s Focused Performance Blog]

If those of us talking about knowledge management are exploring new territory, one of our responsibilities is to draw the maps that will encourage those who stayed behind to follow us and show them paths that are safe and interesting to travel.

Blogging for knowledge workers–think compound interest and start tomorrow

Why PhDs should start blogging.

Things New PhDs Should Start Doing [via José Luis Orihuela]

  1. Keep a Research Diary
  2. Maintain an Electronic Bibliography
  3. Know Your Search Engines
  4. An Archiving System for Useful Info
  5. Learn The Composition of your Research Community
  6. Document Useful Learning Experiences
  7. Keep a Professional Home Page
  8. Maintain an Updated CV
  9. Get Involved Early On
  10. Develop Research Meta-awareness

This article provide a good reference to justify why PhDs should start blogging 🙂


This is a much richer post than its title might suggest. What it really offers is a nicely thought out and articulated mini-case about what any aspiring knowledge worker ought to be doing to get more leverage out of their work.

While it’s never too late to start these kinds of strategies for yourself, the earlier you do, the sooner you’ll start building and refining your own private, custom-designed and organized knowledge base. Youe specifics may vary, but this provides a good road map to what you ought to be thinking about. And if you can’t generalize and abstract from the world of a Ph.D. student to your own world of knowledge work, then perhaps you ought to start looking for one of those nice 1950s assembly line jobs that don’t exist anymore.

It’s just like compound interest, the sooner you start the better.

Treading softly with blogs in organizations

Site Redesign.

Wherever I go, CIO’s and other business leaders tell me they are in the process of a “Web site redesign.” Site redesign is a good thing but it may obfuscate more important issues. The motivation behind site redesign is typically a desire to increase traffic, make things easier to find, provide better organization of information, or improve the visual attractiveness of the site. These are all good things to do but my experience has been that the reason the traffic is less than desired is not because of the design of the site. It is not the look and feel, nor is it the lack of sophisticated information retrieval. I believe that the most important drivers of traffic are the availability of on demand, integrated, useful transactions and, secondly, the availability of access to expertise. (read more)

[via John Patrick’s weblog]

Some interesting commentary from John Patrick about corporate websites, both public and intranets. He has some very on point observations about the opportunity that blogs present as part of knowledge sharing inside companies.

Blogging is revolutionizing how information gets published and shared. A good blogger loves to communicate and uses blogging tools to write a “column” full of links to experts and sources of information. The blogger may or may not be the expert in a particular area but if not she knows who the expert is and acts as an intermediary and translator, thereby leveraging the available knowledge and expertise. A good enterprise blogger knows everything going on in a particular domain — the key people, the key projects, the key resources, etc. Blogging is not an index of information or a database — it is a living breathing dynamic “diary” of the blogger’s conscious. A blog can include comments from readers, moderated discussion, or an open discussion forum but for enterprise purposes, the simpler the better. The idea is not to reproduce the “bulletin boards” and “news groups” of the past. Blogging is more of a way to get to the experts than to have a free-for-all discussion group.

[via John Patrick’s weblog]

As many have observed with Marketing driving external websites and HR driving most intranets you’re not likely to have people who grasp the impact of dynamic content and voice. You’re also not likely to find the sorts of people comfortable with giving up control to allow the company’s voice to emerge from the harmony of its individuals’ voices.

CXO Bloggers , such as those tracked by Jon Udell, will help legitimize blogging as a knowledge sharing tool. So too will the use of blogs in IT and Project Management settings as Frank Patrick, Phil Windley, and Jonathan Peterson have recently been discussing. Some of their key observations:

Sharing of learnings, surprises and mistakes, is what collaboration for successful project work requires — not just within a particular team, but across programs and portfolios that might benefit. The first is about exploiting immediate opportunities. The latter is about assuring the future does not have to depend on relearning the same lessons [Frank Patrick]

Ex-CIO Phil Windley offers lots of insight into the challenges and potential of blogs in IT management and clearly recognizes the organizational challenges of getting blogs to take root:

One of the things I’ve noticed is that blogging requires an abundance mentality. I’ve also noted that blogs encourage a culture of candor. How do you develop a culture that supports sharing? Are the cultural properties that support blogging the same ones that support building a first rate IT organization

Peterson also has a series of excellent observations about blogs in project management, well summarized by Frank Patrick. One tidbit that I find intriguing is that “the beauty of RSS is the potential for extensibility to a ‘good enough’ level which still leverages all the tools and code that has already been created.” [Jonathan Peterson]

Buried in this is the subtle promise of blogs and RSS aggregation as a tool for knowledge sharing in organizations. The simplicity of the tools allows them to be gently grafted on to existing processes and practices with minimal disruption. The challenge is to let this simplicity work its course. The tempation will be to over-design, over-engineer, and over-control. Resisting that temptation will depend on a strong sensitivity to the dynamics of organizations. We do live in interesting times for helping organizations and knowledge workers make better use of knowledge.



Don’t define knowledge, improve knowledge work instead

KMPro with Mark Clare. Mark Clare argues that KM needs to step back and define knowledge before plunging forward with the “next wave” of knowledge management approaches or applications. [Knowledge Jolt with Jack]

I disagree.

I think that most efforts to define knowledge get hopelessly bogged down. The reason this happens is that the discussion is locked in an assumption that there needs to be a centrally managed agreement (at a minimum) about the definition.

I take a different approach. Focus instead on knowledge workers and knowledge work. Work on eliminating friction and hassles in their ability to do whatever it is they think matters. Attack the problems that are preventing knowledge workers from being as effective as they would like to be.

There’s an old story that I’ve heard described as a Russion proverb. It says that if each one of us takes care of sweeping the sidewalk in front of our own home, we won’t need streetsweepers. It’s worth thinking about how that might apply to the world of knowledge work, both on the level of being an individual knowledge worker yourself and on the level of helping make the other knowledge workers that surround you more effective.

Adam Curry on weblog as copy-paste culture

Essay. At the risk of being blogged under by many postings from the Jupiter weblog conference, I submit my thesis on weblogs: Copy-Paste Culture [Adam Curry: Adam Curry’s Weblog]

The nut graf:

Weblogs are a combination of a copy-paste word processor and relay station

I don’t know if this is better than Dave’s WMAWAW essay, but it’s more fun. The difference between Harvard and MTV I suppose.

Blogs and designing a knowledge work environment

Part of me is missing the Weblogs and Business Strategy conference in Boston, despite the excellent liveblogging going on from so many of the participants (topic exchange channel and Denise Howell in particular). My aggregator is overflowing with great input from the conference. On the other hand, the distance and the need to focus on my work at hand also provides a valuable filter for processing that input.

While my last several large posts have focused on wikis (part 1 , part 2, part 3) and the social dimensions of knowledge work, I want to shift back to the personal level of blogs. There’s a thread to the use of blogs inside organizations that I want to spend some time exploring.

As blogs and news aggregators move from fringe activity to leading edge phenomenon, it becomes possible to talk about the design of knowledge work. Tom Davenport, for example, has a column in the most recent issue of CIO Magazine [via Internet Time Blog] that says it’s time to look at improving the effectiveness of knowledge workers. He talks about a new effort by the Information Worker Productivity Council to study knowledge work tasks with an eye toward how Accenture and HP and Xerox can help (possibliy with an eye toward selling us something). That’s great and I’ll be following their work with interest. They’ve certainly assembled an all star list of researchers. I wonder if they’ll be blogging their efforts?

Meanwhile, I’m interested in following the radically decentralized action research program now underway in the efforts of all of us knowledge workers beginning to narrate their work and share in their collective experiments at making knowledge work more effective.

Some of us are lucky or talented enough to roll our own tools. Moreover, they’ve been willing to invite the rest of us in as co-designers . Now, many of the tools already in our toolkits theoretically allow us to participate in a design process. They’ve been built by programmers, after all, and programmers almost always prefer to solve general problems with tools rather than provide highly specific solutions to specific problems.

Unfortunately, most of those programmers work in organizations where the marketing staffs graduated from the “have solution, will travel” school of marketing and really aren’t terribly interested in having active customers who actually are interested in co-designing their tools.

In the blogging community, however, the offer to participate as co-designers is serious. Blogging tools represent my favorite class of tools–ones that can be abused in interesting ways, even by ordinary users. They grew out of their developers needs to solve their own problems. What becomes interesting now is the alignment between the problems of developers and the rest of us doing knowledge work.

Taking advantage of that alignment does demand that we take an active role in the design process. Knowledge work is craft work brought into the 21st century. As many have observed, knowledge workers own their own means of production. If we are craft workers and we are judged by the quality of what we create, then we have an obligation to be mindful about how we use our tools and how we fit them to our own needs. To be most effective, we need to take design responsibility for our own knowledge work environment. I’ll grant that we are still only at the Visicalc stage of blogging and aggregators. But that does not absolve us of the responsibility to understand and capitalize on what today’s level of technology can do for us.

The power of grassroots in knowledge management

THE INCONCEIVABILITY OF GOOGLE, and the lessons to be drawn from that, are the subjects of my TechCentralStation column today, which carries the somewhat racy-sounding title Horizontal Knowledge: Just try this thought experiment: Imagine that it’s 1993. The Web is just appearing. And imagine that you – an unusually prescient… []

A great column from Glenn Reynolds over at TechCentralStation. Here’s the punch line:

The Web, Wi-Fi, and Google didn’t develop and spread because somebody at the Bureau of Central Knowledge Planning planned them. They developed, in large part, from the uncoordinated activities of individuals. [Reynold’s Wrap-TechCentralStation]

Glenn’s in one more voice in the growing realization that top-down planning and control strategies are relatively weak when set against the grassroots ingenuity of large groups. These are insights that have to be brought back inside organizations and put to use.