My two cents on Winer

I suppose I’d feel a bit paranoid if every action I took elicited the response that “Dave” gets. For all I know, I might well have one of those supposed 3,000 weblogs that momentarily have gone away. I chose to move on to my own site once I had developed a better sense of what I wanted to do.

I haven’t been a programmer for a long time and I was never as talented at it as many. But I do create things and I know that it takes real emotional energy to create. Far more than it does to throw stones.

I’ve used products from “Userland” as a major component of the creative work I’ve done over the last several years and I’ve paid for them, because that’s what you do to ensure that you have and will have the tools you need to do your work. I have never had anything but cordial and helpful interactions with “Dave” over that time.

I also agree with AKMA’s observations this morning.

The world is full of creators and critics. Spend your time with the creators.

What’s Wrong With Winer? / Pointless Battles.

I wish people would just get a hold of themselves on the Winer / thing… I mean all this ranting is just a waste of energy… it was a free service – it ended – stop complaining and using this as a bashing opportunity.

It also pisses me off when people write about Winer and, so-bloody-often, put in this ‘but if you know what he’s like’ type comment. Why do people think he’s so bad? I’ve been in this sphere for ’bout a year and a half now… reading widely… and I just don’t get it…

Pershunally I agree with a lot of what he says today. I wish people would expend their energy on more worthy issues!

[incorporated subversion]

RSS Feed to dasBlog Content Converter

RSS Feed to dasBlog Content Converter.

Greg Hughes once had a LiveJournal Blog and the only remnant of his blog was an RSS Feed/Archive.  Now that he runs dasBlog he wanted to move his old content foward into dasBlog.  So, we googled a bit and couldn’t find a tool that would take an RSS (2.0) feed as input and put the entries into dasBlog.

So we made one over lunch, and here it is: (219.29 KB)

Greg Hughes once had a LiveJournal Blog and the only remnant of his blog was an RSS Feed/Archive.  Now that he runs dasBlog he wanted to move his old content foward into dasBlog.  So, we googled a bit and couldn’t find a tool that would take an RSS (2.0) feed as input and put the entries into dasBlog.

So we made one over lunch, and here it is: (219.29 KB)

Use it like this by pointing it to the RSS file and your (local) dasBlog content folder.  It will create all the needed dayentry.xml files for you to upload to your remote blog.  It will also (I think) take an http:// url to an RSS file and could be used to (possible as a service?) steal RSS and mirror them in dasBlog.  Thanks to Jerry (Chris) Maguire’s RSS Framework that showed up first in Google and saved me the time of running XSD.exe on an RSS XML schema. Apparently he has even newer stuff on his site.  It’s got a few more moving parts than I think it needs to, but it did the job with a few changes that I marked with my initials; SDH.

RSStoDasBlog.exe MyRssFile.xml “C:\documents and settings\whatever\dasblog\content”

Use it like this by pointing it to the RSS file and your (local) dasBlog content folder.  It will create all the needed dayentry.xml files for you to upload to your remote blog.  It will also (I think) take an http:// url to an RSS file and could be used to (possible as a service?) steal RSS and mirror them in dasBlog.  Thanks to Jerry (Chris) Maguire’s RSS Framework that showed up first in Google and saved me the time of running XSD.exe on an RSS XML schema. Apparently he has even newer stuff on his site.  It’s got a few more moving parts than I think it needs to, but it did the job with a few changes that I marked with my initials; SDH.

[ – Scott Hanselman’s Weblog]

Snap those Meeting Notes

A lot cheaper and a lot more portable than those big electronic whiteboard. Another way to get some value out of my Sony DSC-T1

Snap those Meeting Notes.

Passed along from David, a pointer to ClearBoard. It cleans up pix you’ve snapped of whiteboards or flipcharts, turning them into relatively clean graphic images reasonable for putting on a team website to augment meeting notes.

Looks like a nice application of edge-finding and contrast-enhancing. Nothing that probably couldn’t be done in PhotoShop or whatever, but this does it automatically and quickly. Simple. Smart.

[Steven’s [Mostly] Tech Notebook]

Google Globe..

If you’ve got the data, flaunt it.

Google Globe….

Mmm, humansOver on Dan Gilmor s eJournal there s a video of the Google Globe , an Earth rotating which shows the relative numbers of queries to the Google site in various parts of the world . Apparently Google showed this off at the D Conference earlier this week. We re not sure if it s really cool or downright creepy. If we were an alien invasion team sent to take over earth, we d first index all the human knowledge with a search engine then we d eventually eat them.


Another one of the Things the Web Is Great For

Another great thing, of course, is all those clever folks helping you find things worth knowing about. Thank you AKMA for another resource I didn’t know about.

One of the Things the Web Is Great For.

I like online dictionaries, since much of the information I seek in a dictionary appears only in the heaviest, bulkiest, least portable and convenient sources. I d long relied on, but if you have the bandwidth, Webster s Online tops everything else I ve seen.

Of course, if you just want the correct spelling or a simple definition, there s no need to call up all the overhead from Webster s. Webster s is for browsing and reveling more than elegant simplicity (though there must be a way of making the output from Webster s more elegant, without aggravating its bandwidth load).

[AKMA s Random Thoughts]

The truth about RFPs

I spend way too much time in conversations like these.

Responding to RFPs.

Very very funny :o)

So, let s say I build houses and someone says.. Hey, wanna come and build me a house?

I say Damn Straight Brother what do you need?

They say Well, I really want blue walls how much will that cost?

I say Hmm.. well, I need to know more about the house you need how many floors, how big, will you need a basement? How many doors?

They say Well, you should know that s not important. What I really need is wood shingles. Now knowing what you know how much will the house cost? And don t try to screw me because I m going to hold you to it and I also have 50 other house builders bidding for the work

I say Um let s go with $250,000

They say Wow, that s a lot. Could you justify that based on my requirements?

I say Well, it s the blue paint that made all the difference… [Joel from Canada via SoulSoup]

[incorporated subversion]

The Personal Petabyte, The Exnterprise Exabyte from Jim Gray

This is a big powerpoint file. On the other, and more important, hand it contains some fascinating ruminations about what some key trends in performance improvement in storage technology and network speeds portend for us as knowledge workers and inhabitants of a digital world. Jim Gray is one of the supersmart folks at Microsoft Research who is thinking a few years out about the world we will all be inhabiting soon. Worth the time to look at and think about.

Jim Gray: The Personal Petabyte, The Exnterprise Exabyte (PowerPoint). [Hack the Planet]