The great folks at xkcd sharply summarize the fundamental problem with DRM (digital restrictions management in my view). I continue to be bewildered by the disconnects between the current legal environment, technological reality, and the pragmatic reality of making actual use of digital content.
Steal This Comic
Mon, 13 Oct 2008 04:00:00 GMT
Yes I agree.
But iTunes != DRM by default. Of course there is iTunes Plus. Of course there is the letter from Mr. Jobs w/re to DRM. Of course there is the fact that some record labels granted Amazon non-DRM rights exclusive to iTunes.
Demand non-DRM files not from Apple, they aren’t the problem point.
Demand non-DRM files from the record labels and publishing houses.
Apple is certainly less of a culprit than the labels. At some level, i believe that the underlying problem is that most consumers don’t understand DRM well enough to see why it is a problem and the labels rely on that general level of ignorance. Not sure how we solve that problem though.