My subscriptions network

I rave about the value of my aggregator all the time. It's way past time I make that list of sources available. I've added a link over to the right of all the subscriptions I follow in “Radio”. It's a much more dynamic list than my blogroll, which I'm coming to think of as a passing and obsolete concept. I've set it up so that changes to the subscription list will flow here once a day.

These are the bright minds that contribute to my evolving view of this world we live and work in.

happy belated blogiversary…a haiku gift from Judith Meskill

jim mcgee's musings
fine fodder for fomenting
knowledge work wisdom…

haitech haiku™
©2003 judith meskill

in celebration of jim's two year blogiversary and his generous 'virtual' accessibility…

What a lovely gift. First time I've ever been the subject of a haiku. Thank you Judith.

BTW, if you aren't following Judith's weblog (RSS feed) you're missing important insights into the world of knowledge work.


we're misbehavin'. I’m delighted to announce the debut of a new weblog on the topic of gender and technology: We’ve got a really amazing group of women participating on this site: danah boyd Caterina Fake Meg Hourihan me (Liz Lawley) Dorothea Salo Halley Suitt Gina Trapani Jill Walker We all believe it’s important to begin changing the public perception of women in the context of technology, and that one of the best ways to do that is to make women’s accomplishments, writings, and contributions more public and visible. I hope you’ll add the new site to your blogroll and/or aggregator list!… [mamamusings]

From the site's description: is a weblog about women and technology. It's a celebration of women's contributions to computing; a place to spotlight women's contributions as well point out new opportunities and challenges for women in the computing field.

Since I already have about half the group posting here in my subscription list, I suspect this will be worth the attention. The RSS feed (RSS 1.0 format) is truncated, which wouldn't be my first choice, but better than no feed at all.


How Everyday Things Are Made

How Everyday Things Are Made.

How Everyday Things are Made: Spent the morning with my kids on this site. They loved it. Good example of learning with video/audio and limited interaction (“apply it” section). I'm reminded of how we are still in the early stages of elearning…and offerings will continue to be more sophisticated. My first exposure to the Web was a text only experience. Now, in a very short period of time, the browsing experience has become interactive, media-rich, and user-friendly (in many cases). We have the background of Web progression to direct our efforts in elearning…so it's safe to say that over the next five years, we'll see an exponential improvement in the quality of elearning materials.

[elearnspace blog]

For those times when you really want to do a factory tour and you don't have one handy.

Can Gator pass the Mom Test?

Gator Threatening Those Who Call Their Application Spyware. Many people have pretty strong negative opinions about Gator’s adware application (it watches what you surf and pops up its own ads). Gator, like most companies that have strong critics, has decided that they need something of a PR campaign to improve their image – specifically trying to overcome the impression that they’re placing spyware on people’s computers. So, what do they do? They decide to sue anyone who calls their application spyware. It seems like a debate on semantics, but Gator insists their product is not spyware at all. They claim that spyware is installed surreptiously, whereas their software requires someone to agree to install it. Others disagree with that definition, saying spyware includes any software that is constantly “phoning home” with your information, or which does things (such as pop up ads) without the user understanding why – in which case, Gator would qualify as spyware. However, so far, Gator’s “PR” campaign has been winning, and sites are changing how they refer to Gator. This is, most likely, a short term strategy – because of articles like the one linked here, that make Gator look even worse by using threatening lawsuits to quiet anyone critical of their software. Instead of pulling out the big legal stick, wouldn’t it have made more sense to make the program less problematic? [Techdirt]

What you call it isn’t the issue. Trying to build businesses that appear to depend on keeping users uninformed of what software applications are doing to their systems is.

Here’s a gedanken experiment for you. How many of the staff at Gator would be comfortable running the software on their machines (or their mother’s)? Alternatively, how many people would install and run the software if all of its activities were fully disclosed in something other than an EULA that almost nobody reads?

This is fundamentally a cluetrain argument. Do youhave a business model that is potentially transparent to all parties. Or does the model depend on the laziness or ignorance of one of the parties. Classic mass media strategies (TV, Radio, Magazines) are built around sponsors who will foot the bill in exchange for the chance to present ads to viewers. An acceptable tradeoff and one that is generally transparent. Product placement starts to move into a grayer world. The more I think about it, the more the Mom test seems pertinent.

Second blogiversary

I've now been writing this weblog for two years. My very first post was a pointer to a Technology Review article on the challenges of preserving digital information. A little later that day I posted a entry on John Robb's notion of k-logs. Since then I've tried to stay reasonably focused on the topic of knowledge management and knowledge work.

According to “Radio” this is my 3,740th post since that first day. You haven't seen all of them because I use this same tool to maintain a personal k-log of material, but most of them have found there way here.

Last night I was on the phone with Buzz talking about ActiveWords, knowledge management, the Dean campaign, and Feedster among other things. Without a blog, I would never have discovered ActiveWords nor met Buzz. In my recent email archives I've been chatting with Ross Mayfield, Rick Klau, AKMA, Dave Pollard, Roland Tanglao, Terry Frazier, Denham Gray, Jack Vinson, Judith Meskill, Lilia Efimova, Jon Husband, Greg Reinacker, Matt Mower, Jenny Levine, and others I'm sure I'm forgetting. I've also had the pleasure of meeting and interacting with the likes of Dave Winer, David Weinberger, Robert Scoble, Ben and Mena Trott and other luminaries.

Pretty good payoff from taking the risk of putting my thoughts out in public before I was sure they were fully polished.