'Perfect Pitch' Deadline — Less Than 78 Hours and Counting!.

‘Perfect Pitch’ Deadline — Less Than 78 Hours and Counting!.

clock1Ticktock, ticktock, ticktock… Have you submitted your most impressive one minute elevator pitch expounding the benefits of corporate weblogging?clock2

Time is running out so please submit your most cogent, clinching, compelling, convincing 50 160 word elevator pitch on the EXTREME benefits of corporate adoption of weblogging like NOW!

clock3 Once again, here are the Rules & Regulations and we look forward to your entry!

tickTock, Ticktock, tickTock

The judging panelists are standing by eagerly await your expert, excellent, expressive, extraordinary, exciting, essential, energetic, effusive, eloquent, educated, elegant, enlightened, erudite entries (-:=clock5

[The Social Software Weblog]